Friday, December 31, 2004

Getting Ready For 2005, and what a year it will be!

Hi All,
this is my absolute favorite time of the year...not weather-wise, but because it is the time of year I can reflect back on all the wonderful things I was able to accomplish and experience. It is a time I get to sit down and create my plan for the following year. It is a magical time because I am truly creating the blueprint for all the wonderful things I will be letting into my life. And all the dreams that I dare to dream, they are germinating from my imagination.

I tell all my family and friends that they really need to set some time aside and just start writing all of their accomplishments and things they are grateful for from the past year. (Having a calendar that you have scribbled on over the year really helps at this point. Also, looking at your goals for 2004 is very helpful.) It is amazing, both large and small, what things come to light when you do this. Write as many as you can and come back to this list over and over again to add to it over a week or so.

This writing helps solidify and encapsulate all the wonderful things that you DID accomplish and are grateful for. It makes you focus on THAT! It truly is a loving thing to do for yourself. And very healing as well.

Next, I ask people to sit down and start writing out what they want to accomplish in this new year. Just let the ideas flow. Write them down and don't limit them. Dream a bit and don't be afraid to put down things you have absolutely no idea how you will start them, let alone complete them. These are my favorites because I have seen how, through intention and stating them, they find their way in becoming reality. Truly amazing! Try it.

Once you have gotten them all on paper, look at them and narrow them down to 4-5 of the most important ones to you, the ones that you really want to tackle or, at least, get started this year.

Then get very specific in you goal. Descibe exactly what you want to accomplish as an end result for the year. Make it quantifiable. Put numbers and dates to it. How will you know when you have accomplished it? Don't worry about how you will get there yet. Just make sure that you are true to the goal and intent by representing the goals you really want to accomplish or get started.

Now, take a look at each one of these goals and start listing the things you will need to accomplish throughout the year to get to that goal. Don't worry if the list is not perfect. You don't want perfect. You just want a plan and path to get on.

Then put dates that you are committing to getting these tasks done. Make it challenging but make it realistic too.

During the year, you will alter things and add things as you go because you will get clearer on what needs to be done. So be prepared to adjust and amend things.

Now, create a document. Write it, "word" it or "excel" it. Whatever makes best sense for you. (I prefer doing it on excel.) Then make copies of your work and post these goals in your house and important frequented places so you will see them when you go to these places. (I chose to frame them. They are very important, so decorate them with honor and value.)

Next, share these goals with people who support you in your endeavors so they can help keep you accountable to these goals. Ask them to keep checking in with you throughout the year to find out where you are with your tasks and deadlines and if you are on track to accomplish the goal.

You will want to review the goals periodically to make sure you are keeping focused on them and recommitting to them often.

Make sure that these are the things you are focusing on. Don't let the unimportant things that make no difference get in the way. You know what they are.

I am setting a date with myself and creating my future and I am excited to see what I come up with. Getting ready for 2005, and what a year it will be! :-)


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

True Success is measured by how much we love and are loved in return...

Well, last night was my big Labyrinth of Love show at the famous Purple Onion in SF and the show was a tremendous success. The audience loved it and I felt great up there giving it to them. I really enjoyed it and felt present during it. What a joy to be able to experience that. That is truly what it is all about after all.

I felt the love coming from the audience. Okay, so half were friends and family. But that doesn't mean they automatically have to love the show. In fact, that made the stakes much higher. Alot of my friends were seeing me for the very first time on stage. It could have been a painful disaster for them...and me.

But enough of that. It was very satisfying and rewarding to be able to talk with many of them before and after the show. I felt so wealthy in love and friends and supporters in this venture of mine in following my passion. Who could ask for more in just the pure desire of these folks to be there for me and to enjoy the performance as well.

You know, I didn't feel nervous for this show. I was battling with a cold and something attacking my throat. (Thank god for Echinacea.) But as I went up to the stage I just felt certain that I was going to give the best performance I could at that moment and that was enough.

True success really is measured by how much we love...and are loved in return ;-)

and I felt it last night. Thanks to all that were there.
Love you greatly!